A dull headache. Equally dull ringing in your ears. No. That's not in your head. That's the phone.
7.11.2023: Somebody called. |
an ephemeral archive of memory...In these rooms you may feel lost in a dreamstate
or caught up in an emotion.
Some of the links may take time to appear.
The connections may not be obvious.
Surrender...this is art, not logic.
Does it ever stop raining? Beads of condensation slowly gather, slip, then fall into tiny trails through the fog that's bloomed on the diner window. From the sound of the pounding on the roof above, it doesn't seem like it'll let up anytime soon. You lift your eyes from your hands, where you've been ildly tearing a soggy napkin into tiny pieces, and look outside. The payphone is ringing. It hasn't stopped for some time, not since you first sought shelter from the storm.